Grease Pumping Services
Servicing the Greater Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara Areas.
Call (661) 296-2394
Enviro-Tech Pumping removes Fats, Oils, and Grease from your grease trap and grease interceptor, and properly dispose of the waste at an environmentally sustainable treatment facility.

24/7 Servicing and Grease Disposal

Complete Removal of Sludge Layers

Pressure Wash Inlet & Outlet

Receipt of Compliant Service

Restaurants and other food service establishments are a significant source of Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG). When FOG is not disposed of properly, a thick layer of grease deposit forms inside the drainage pipes, constricting flow and causing spills and flooding. Proper maintenance of your FOG removal device is necessary to protect the public from possible sewer hazards and reduce the costs caused by clogged sewer lines.

Proper Waste Disposal
Fats, Oils, and Grease need to be properly disposed of to minimize the adverse effects FOG can have on the environment and the water systems. To minimize the hazardous effects of FOG, Enviro-Tech Pumping recommends to:
- Use a three-sink dishwashing system, which includes sinks for washing, rinsing, and sanitizing.
- Use water temperatures less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit in all sinks, especially the pre-rinse sink.
- Recycle waste cooking oil.
- Dispose of food waste by recycling and/or solid waste removal.
Below is a summary of rules and regulations pertaining to FOG control as stated by LA Sanitation:
- All food service establishments that discharge grease will be required to obtain an industrial wastewater permit. A one-time $510.00* application fee and annual $350.00* inspection and control fee will be assessed to the FSE.
- All food service establishments will be required to use best management practices (BMPs) to reduce the grease discharged to the sewer system.
- The use of garbage grinders in food service establishments is prohibited unless specifically allowed.
- Any FSE that is known to cause grease-related sewage spills or fails to implement BMPs will be required to install a grease interceptor or a grease trap.
- All new construction of FSEs must include the installation of a grease interceptor.
- All existing FSEs planning a remodel valued at $100,000.00 or more will be required to include the installation of a grease interceptor.
*These fees are current as of July 1st, 2017, and valid until June 30, 2018. They are subject to yearly adjustments on July 1st of each year.
**Source: LA Sanitation
15.20.030 Deposit of Certain Substances Prohibited.
A person shall not place, throw, or deposit, or cause or permit to be placed, thrown, or deposited in any public sewer or main-line sewer any dead animal, offal, or garbage, fish, fruit, or vegetable waste, debris, cut roots, other solid matters, or materials or obstructions of any kind, of such nature, as shall clog, obstruct, or fill such sewer, or which shall interfere with or prevent the effective use or operation thereof. A person shall not cause or permit to be deposited or discharged into any such sewer any water, or sewage, or liquid waste of any kind containing chemicals, fats, oils, and grease (collectively referred to as FOG), tars, or other matters in solution or suspension, which may glob, obstruct, or fill the same, or which may in any way damage or interfere with, or prevent the effective use thereof, or which may necessitate or require frequent repair, cleaning out, or flushing of such serve to render the same operative, or which may obstruct or cause an unwanted increase in the cost of treatment of the sewage or which may introduce into a publicly owned treatment works any pollutant(s) which cause pass through interference. Storm water runoff shall be discharged into a sanitary sewer. (Ord. 09-8 § 1, 6/9/09)
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Enviro-Tech Pumping
Enviro-Tech Pumping is a Grease and Septic Removal company servicing the Greater Los Angeles and Ventura area. We are committed to providing businesses and residents an environmentally sustainable solution to waste removal.
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